Task 5: Aperture Practice

Today we are practicing changing the settings, in particular the aperture.

Practice changing the camera settings taking a series of photos utilizing a small and a wide aperture to show the difference in the depth of field.

Use the camera’s in built light metre and adjusting the shutterspeed and ISO to get a perfect exposure. 

Image result for photography aperture activity with objects in a line

Using the cameras Manual MODE. Create a series of photos like below to illustrate the difference depth of field/aperture changes have on a subject in an image. Label them with the settings and add to your Visual Diary.

Image result for photography aperture

You should be able to see the clear difference from a deep focus/depth of field to a shallow focus/depth of field.

Image result for photography aperture

First practice with a row of cups in the classroom, I will then instruct you on a second location to test this out.

Suggested template for reflection:
  • What did you learn from this task? (Use “I can…” as a sentence starter)
  • What did you like about this task?
  • What was difficult? (Use “I am struggling with…” as a sentence starter)
  • How did you solve problems?
  • Is your image successful, if so, why?
  • What adjustments (edits) did you do to your image? (include before and after and camera settings if available)
  • What else could you change if you had more time or resources?

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