Photography Applications

Visual Diary Tasks

Term 1 Week 1

Task 1: What is going on in this picture?

Task 2: Perspective

Task 3: Artist Research Lesson

Week 2

Task 4: Composition Workshop inspired by the work of Nicholas Goodden

Week 3

Task 5: Photo-cubism Stephen McNally Workshop

Week 4

Task 6: Experimental Editing in the style of Victor Enrich

Week 5

Working on research task

Week 6

Going through prac 1 – starting on research

Week 7

Task 7: Architecture Photography


Contact sheets and editing

Term 2 Week 10

Task 8: Levitation Practice

Task 9: Introduction to Natsumi Hayashi

Week 11

Task 10: Exploring Levitation Ideas

Task 11: Introduction to Cerise Doucede

Week 12

Task 12: Introduction to Brooke Shaden

Week 12

~Model Workshop~

Week 13

  • Going through Prac 2 Assignment Sheet
  • Looking through feedback on prac 1
  • Uploading and culling photos, creating contact sheets
  • Editing photos
  • Working on research section of assignment and getting feedback
  • Organising shoot if you were unable to participate in model workshop – book camera here

Extension/Early Finishers Activities

Practical Assignment Samples