Photo Communications

Visual Diary Tasks

Week 1

  • Visual Diary – Creating Visual Diary from template. Add title page, contents about me (include favourite photo and goal for semester) and style guide page with font and colour swatches for rest of the design.
  • Bookmark Visual diary and this page on Google Chrome on your device.
  • Composition for Landscapes
  • Landscape photography – virtual activity

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

  • Finish off and submitting written task

Week 7 – online learning

**Full instructions posted to Classroom**

Week 8 – online learning

Week 9 – online learning

Week 10

Final Landscape practical Assignment DUE

Week 11

Week 12 – online learning

Week 13 – gradual return to Face to Face

Week 14 and 15

  • Planning and research for practical assignment
  • Shooting for practical 2
  • Editing for practical 2
  • Adding photos to diary and reflecting on ideas so far
  • Contact sheets, proposed shoots, editing works and getting feedback from teacher and peers. 

Week 16

  • Editing photos developing reflection
  • Contact sheets and choosing final photos
  • Discussion/presentation of images for practical task + critique/feedback session
  • Short Form Video

Final Content Creation practical assignment DUE

Week 17

  • Visual Diary
  • Printing works and setting up displays for arts festival

Final Visual Diary assignment DUE

Extension/Early Finishers Activities

Compositing – Fish in a lightbulb

Practical Assignment Samples