Task 1: Snapshot vs. Photograph

With the availability of cameras and smart phones in today’s day and age, photographs are often confused with snapshots. A snapshot involves just pushing a button to capture an image of a subject. Often times, especially in a digital era, these pictures are of friends and family. A photograph is a composed image. It is an image that has been thought about in terms of concept and composition. Photographs have the ability to communicate thoughts, perspectives, point of view and your personality as a photographer. 

On a slide on your visual diary with the above heading, answer the following:

  1. What is a photograph?
  2. What makes a photograph good?
  3. What makes a photograph bad?

Discuss your answers with the person next to you.

The lines between a “snapshot” and a “photograph” can be blurred. We a focusing on the artistic photograph and snapshot. Read these definitions.

A snapshot is a photograph that is taken spontaneously and quickly, most often without artistic or journalistic intent. Commonly seen as “imperfect” or amateurish—out of focus or poorly framed or composed.

A photograph is a well thought, composed, exposed and executed art form. It is pre-visualized and often contains meaning or concept.

Using the overview above, look at the following photos and work the person next to you to choose 3-4 images that fit each category. Copy and paste each photo on to your google slide and resize to fit.



Why did you chose these images?

What did you notice about the images in each category?

Were there any you weren’t sure of? put them on a separate slide and write what parts /reasons do you think they are a snapshot and what reasons do you think they are a photograph?

Suggested template for reflection:
  • What did you learn from this task? (Use “I can…” as a sentence starter)
  • What did you like about this task?
  • What was difficult? (Use “I am struggling with…” as a sentence starter)
  • How did you solve problems?
  • Is your image successful, if so, why?
  • What adjustments (edits) did you do to your image? (include before and after and camera settings if available)
  • What else could you change if you had more time or resources?

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