An Introduction to Annie Leibovitz

“I wish that all of nature’s magnificence, the emotion of the land, the living energy of place could be photographed” – Annie Leibovitz

  1. Watch either or both of the clickview documentary or the Youtube Video above based on Annie Leibovitz’s work. In your Visual Diary, write down any notes/quotes that stand out to you.

2. Add a short background of the photographer and their style. Eg, where are they from what style of portraiture do they usually take? Who do they photograph. What are they best known for.

3. Choose one of Annie’s photos of your choice, and write a short summary (a paragraph) and/or create a detailed annotated image include: 

  • Basic background/style of photographer – 
  • Composition – 
  • Elements and principles of art – 
  • Lighting – where is the main light source coming from? Pay attention to the shadows and bright areas on the subjects face for clues.
  • Any other techniques – 
  • Why you like/picked the photo

Extra resources:

Annie Leibovitz on photographing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Harvey Weinstein

Vogue Style Diary – Annie Leibovitz & Nicole Kidman for ‘Australia’

Annie Leibovitz’s Celebrity Disney Dream Portraits